Personalize Patient Care

Patient Engagement in Rehabilitation: How Our CEO’s Own Experience as a Patient Was Transformed

By |2022-08-05T12:35:05-04:00August 2nd, 2022|Company Updates, General Healthcare, Patient/Clients For Life, Personalize Patient Care|

As a patient herself, AC Health founder Susannah Bailin understands what keeps rehabilitation patients engaged and motivated. Hear her story and learn how relationship building, intersession communications, and a trustworthy HEP app can prevent patients from dropping out before they reach their goals.

The Concierge Patient Experience: Customizing Care in a Cookie Cutter World

By |2022-08-04T16:35:25-04:00June 20th, 2022|Independent Practices and Entrepreneurs, Personalize Patient Care|

The Concierge Patient Experience combines personal connection, positive communication, and an individualized approach to patient care. Regardless of your practice model, the AC Health app can help you create a concierge experience that differentiates you from standardized, big box clinics.

How AC Health Helps Specialty Rehab Providers Personalize Patient Care

By |2022-03-03T14:37:52-05:00January 30th, 2022|Independent Practices and Entrepreneurs, Personalize Patient Care|

Learn how the AC Health app allows specialty rehabilitation providers to personalize home programs quickly and easily with custom videos, photos, and text instructions. If you work with a niche population, stop wasting time sifting through generic exercise libraries and scribbling on print-outs: download AC Health and start assigning fully personalized home programs in seconds.

How AC Health Helps Personalize Patient Care: Ergonomics Edition

By |2022-01-30T20:06:54-05:00January 30th, 2022|Independent Practices and Entrepreneurs, Personalize Patient Care|

Learn how AC Health helps ergonomics consultants communicate clearly with clients via customized video instructions and rapid, secure messaging feedback. Improved communication enhances client understanding, improves their adherence to your ergonomic recommendations, and increases their satisfaction with your practice.

How AC Health Helps Personalize Patient Care: Pelvic Health Edition

By |2022-01-30T20:06:29-05:00January 30th, 2022|Independent Practices and Entrepreneurs, Personalize Patient Care|

Pelvic health therapists and their patients deal with sensitive health issues, and privacy is paramount. Traditional exercise libraries don’t include the unique home activities that pelvic specialists need to assign. AC Health can help by allowing complete customization of home programs in a fully HIPAA-compliant platform.

How AC Health Helps Personalize Patient Care: In-Home Concierge Rehab Edition

By |2022-01-30T20:05:58-05:00January 30th, 2022|Independent Practices and Entrepreneurs, Personalize Patient Care|

AC Health helps you elevate the care experience you provide as an in-home concierge therapist. The app lets you abandon print-outs and emailed instructions in favor of a unified site for all home program instructions. You can keep in touch with patients between visits to give them what they really want: more time with you.

How AC Health Helps Personalize Patient Care: Pediatrics Edition

By |2022-01-30T20:07:22-05:00January 30th, 2022|Independent Practices and Entrepreneurs, Personalize Patient Care|

Pediatric therapists must design home programs that cater to a child’s sense of play. Caregivers play a key role in home program adherence but may struggle to remember activity-based assignments. AC Health allows therapists to improve adherence and retention through app-based custom videos sent securely to caregivers’ phones.

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