Company Updates

Patient Engagement in Rehabilitation: How Our CEO’s Own Experience as a Patient Was Transformed

By |2022-08-05T12:35:05-04:00August 2nd, 2022|Company Updates, General Healthcare, Patient/Clients For Life, Personalize Patient Care|

As a patient herself, AC Health founder Susannah Bailin understands what keeps rehabilitation patients engaged and motivated. Hear her story and learn how relationship building, intersession communications, and a trustworthy HEP app can prevent patients from dropping out before they reach their goals.

AC Health’s New Feature Update for May 6, 2021: Patient Goals, Easy Editing, and More

By |2021-12-20T11:38:35-05:00May 5th, 2021|Company Updates|

Latest AC Health App Update We are unveiling the latest and greatest upgrades we’ve made to our patient-centered mobile app and online portal. These features were all requested by our current healthcare providers. Each upgrade and new addition helps both providers and patients alike better use the app, keeping the experience intuitive and relevant

3 Tips for Building Software for Non-technical Users

By |2022-01-01T15:04:38-05:00July 17th, 2019|Company Updates|

Technology is an integral part of our society, which is why it should not be excluded from the physical/occupational therapy space. It is important for therapy clinics to understand the benefits and applications of technology. Here are 3 therapy technology tips to help you grow your practice.

3 Things Clinics Need to Know About Physical/Occupational Therapy Technology

By |2022-01-01T15:04:23-05:00May 15th, 2019|Company Updates, Independent Practices and Entrepreneurs, Latest News + Research, New Graduates|

Technology is an integral part of our society, which is why it should not be excluded from the physical/occupational therapy space. It is important for therapy clinics to understand the benefits and applications of technology. Here are 3 therapy technology tips to help you grow your practice.

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