How AC Health Helped Dr. Harkins & Dallas Pelvic Health
The Challenge:
Save Pelvic Health PT Hours
Dr. Harkins disliked using the premade exercise libraries of traditional HEP apps and software. As a pelvic health specialist, her instructions were personalized for each patient – and often so intimate, she had trouble finding them already done.
“Most premade libraries don’t have exactly what I need,” she explained, “and I’ll customize it 16 different ways for 16 different patients.”
Even if Dr. Harkins could find an exercise that was almost right, it still would take hours of work to make it fit for her patient’s HEP.
Desperate for help, she turned to a private Facebook group for pelvic health specialists for recommendations – and that’s where she first heard about AC Health.
With a free app and no-cost trial period to give it a whirl, Dr. Harkins had nothing to lose… except maybe those hours of wasted time in the evenings.
Dr. Chelsea Harkins, PT, DPT
Texas, US

Dr. Harkin’s Problem | AC Health’s Solution |
She couldn’t find the exact exercises she needed through generic, premade libraries or online. | AC Health’s unique Library feature kept all of Dallas Pelvic Health’s exercises in one place – no searching required. |
She insisted on offering patient-centered care through custom instructions and videos, but none of the other HEP apps allowed for that level of personalization. | AC Health’s one-click video and exercise assignment feature lets Dr. Harkin create custom video instructions for every patient – every time. |
Even if she could find an exercise, it would take even more time to tweak and customize the instructions for each patient’s individual needs and abilities. | AC Health’s provider Library helped Dr. Harkin record her most frequently used exercises, and then quickly modify with personalized instructions and reminders for each patient. (No more scrawled instructions in a margin!) |
She had difficulty sending patient instructions in a way that was private but also allowed her to make and share updates quickly. | AC Health combines HIPAA-compliant privacy measures with the modern patient’s expectations for instant communication and customized personal experiences. Now, every Dallas Pelvic Health patient can watch their HEPs and ask questions comfortably and privately. |
Many of her patients are either geriatric or pre- or postnatal, who tend to forget instructions easily and often had difficulty following traditional paper handouts or other reminders. | Dr. Harkins loves using AC Health’s custom videoexercises to show patients “exactly how they did something in the session [and] what cues I used.” |
Often, she was the fourth or fifth therapist patients might try after exhausting the local hospital specialists. They arrived skeptical and wary, lugging huge binders with all of their previous exercises – if they still had the handouts at all! | Thanks to AC Health’s intuitive, patient-first design, giving a patient their exercises now takes just 20 seconds, according to Dr. Harkin: “I pull up my patient demo account on my phone and say, ‘Here’s where you’ll get your exercises, here’s how you record them, expect an email from AC Health,’ and they say, ‘Wow, that’s easy!’” |
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